
Monday, June 23, 2008

Philippines: MV Princess of the Star, 700 Missing Passengers

Morning of June 23, 2008, I was shocked by the news that a shipping vessel sank in Romblon leaving 700 missing passengers with only 4 survivors. The MV Princess of the Star, a Sulpicio Lines owned ship, sank after it suffered a tremendous fury from the typhoon Frank in Sibuyan Island. This typhoon was reportedly the worst typhoon ever visited the Philippines causing immense destruction of properties and lives. I must agree because Davao City was in flood.

An update of the ship reported another 28 survivors after they have jumped into a rubber boat. The survivors were very lucky to have seamen aboard the ship. Report said they were originally 30 in the rubber boat wearing life vests but the two took it off just before they arrived the shore. They went missing after they were slapped by big waves of which height was resembled to a mountain's.

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