
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Celebrating 110 Years of Philippine Independence

Today, June 12, 2008, Philippines celebrated its 110th year of independence from different colonizers who invaded the country hundreds of years ago. The Spaniards ruled for more than 333 years who used Christianity to penetrate easily. For that span of time the Philippines had acquired Spanish characteristics and traditions but Filipinos grew tired of living under their powers. Americans came with education as tool for colonizing but the Japanese forces drew them out of the country and ruled. Americans returned in the Philippines to regain power. World War II broke out with Americans and Japaneses battling over pride in power. (that's what I think) Japanese surrendered and the Philippines was taken back by the Americans.

June 12 commemorates Emilio Aguinaldo, first president of the Philippines, waving the Philippine flag at his balcony in Kawit, Cavite which signifies freedom of the country. Every year this is celebrated by the Filipinos to remember how heroes fought by blood for freedom.

Our present President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo led the commemoration at the Luneta Park and delivered her speech calling for Filipinos to unite despite of the crisis the country is facing. Although I just saw it on tv, it is amazing how her speech moved me. It is unusual for me to be affected of somebody's speech coz it's something that is prepared and polished before it is said. I made lots of it. But hers was something worth be heard, pondered and felt. I hope Filipinos will put in their hearts and help each other to put Philippines back into a sound economic status.

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